Sourcing Electronics Components

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This is intended to be a guide on sourcing components and materials for working in the Electronics Lab or on other nerd, hacker, or adjacent projects. Other workstations may have their own sourcing notes, or they may be eventually included here.

In Stock

Some materials and components are in stock, available for use for free or for a donation. See Electronics Lab Inventory for more information.


The Electronics Leads will happily accept donations of useful materials and components that we do not already have an abundance of, and/or are happy to pass along information on available materials to our members. Please DO NOT leave donations of materials, components, or supplies in the Electronics Lab without first contacting the Electronics Leads via Telegram or email.


Electronic Components

DigiKey, Mouser, AliExpress

Development Boards

Amazon, SeeedStudio, Adafruit, Banggood


Need something we don't have on hand? Here are some thoughts on where to get it.


Depends on what you need.

3D Printing Materials

We only print in PLA at Spark. We like eSun and Hatchbox PLA Pro / PLA+, which is available on Amazon. 

Most PLA available on Amazon is fine.

Drew's had fine luck [GST]'s PLA+ filament, which is frequently on-sale cheap if you buy 10kg at once.


Trying to figure out where to get something? This'll get you started. Ping the Elec. Leads if you have questions.

Supplier Speed
(time to your
(Will the have what I need?)
(will it work?)
Amazon 1-8 days mid. moderate iffy
Digikey or Mouser as fast as overnight high wide high
LCSC 4 days or longer low, shipping is high wide med. high
Banggood 1 week (US warehouse)
4-8 weeks (China)
mid. moderate med.
AliExpress 2-10 weeks low (usually, not always) wide "usually" "fine"